Saturday, May 23, 2020

Hey Moms, 5 Quick Tips for Maintaining Your Home

Danielle MacInnes from Unsplash

Lately, it's been a hard time for us moms trying to handle everything. Never mind the usual responsibilities of having to cook, clean, work, and take care of our kids. Because of Pandemic, some people must work from home and also help their kids with distance learning. Trust me, when I say most of us are in the same shoes. I started consuming way too much coffee to help me get through the interminable days because, by mid-day, I'm looking for a nap. Unfortunately, things were becoming unmanageable at home and needed to get fixed. So I started making some simple changes.  Here are some ways to help you in your home.

Create a Cleaning Schedule

Select one day that you can devote a few hours of nothing else but for thorough cleaning of the home. If your children are young, pick a day that you can keep them occupied for a few hours with cartoons or even a movie. Then every day, do one room in the home, but bathrooms, dishes, and beds do daily.

Meal Planning

Try to plan out your meals for the week or even monthly. Select the meals you and your family enjoy eating. Then see what ingredients you have and don't. If you are missing something, make a list. Don't be like me plenty of times, I have forgotten to get many things from the store and had to change my meal ideas.

Plastic Bins

These containers are huge lifesavers when you have small kids. You can have one in any corner of the living room to keep your child's toys, dolls, blocks. It helps keep your living room, and their things organized. 

Keeping Control of Papers

It is easy to hoard papers. To prevent you from that is by using a small container to hold it all. Then, once a week, go through it and throw out what you don't need.

Tidy Up Every Evening

Right before you go to bed each night, do a quick walk-through of your home, and clean up anything is out of place.

Thank you for reading until next time 😊

Saturday, May 16, 2020

You Can Still Celebrate Your Child's Graduation During the Quarantine

Jeremiah Lawrence on Unsplash

Around this time of year, many families are planning their child's graduation ceremonies. Unfortunately, the pandemic is still keeping schools closed. So some schools are rescheduling, canceling, or doing their graduations virtual. I know it's a hard time for anyone who has a child that supposed to graduate this year. Especially knowing and seeing how hard he or she must have worked to complete this goal in their life. Here are some tips to help you and your family celebrate this special day.

Live Ceremony

You can make a graduation ceremony for your child through Zoom with family and friends. Make it as much fun as possible and don't forget to take pictures. Could even make it as a surprise or include him or her in planning it. Also, another option is YouTube on June 6 is having a virtual "Dear Class of 2020" with the Obamas headlining. It will have commencement speeches, and music performers such as BTS, and Lady Gaga, to name a few. Then afterward, there will also be an after-party. If you're interested in is on June 6 at 1 pm PST.

Graduation Party

Pick a time and day to have a party through ZoomYou can do two different ones. Have one for your child and their friends, and one with family. And let your child decide on music and activities.

Car Parade

See who lives close by and select a time and day to have a drive-by parade. Ask them if they could decorate their cars with signs and balloons for that day. Your child can dress up in their special graduation outfit and be outside, ready to wave as the cars drive by.

Picture Time

Have your graduate wear their Cap and Gown and take pictures of him or her in unique areas of the house. Make it kind of fun for them. There are plenty of options out there to make photo books of all the photos to store them for memories. You could either get one from Shutterfly, Amazon or at any department store.

Thanks for reading, until next time 😊

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Thursday, May 7, 2020

5 Virtual Ideas to Help Celebrate Mother's Day

Karolina Bobek on Unsplash

Mother's Day is in a few days. Many people are wondering how to celebrate it while practicing social distancing. At first, I was going to treat it like any other day, but that isn't right, because of my kids, they made me who I am today. Plus, with all that has been happening, it's good to try to keep some normalcy in the home. There are plenty of ways to celebrate this day without jeopardizing social distancing. Here are some helpful ideas for virtual distancing on either a laptop or tablet while using Zoom. 

Beverage Hour

You can set a time to have whatever type of drink you and your family prefer, such as coffee, tea, or wine, and socialize. It would be nice to see everyone and socialize.

Cook a meal

All the women in the family can plan a meal that you all can cook at the same time together. So everyone could eat the same meal even though they are all in their own homes.

Eat Together

Have the whole family eat at the same time together. Use this time to talk with each other and even include the children in the discussion.

Watch A Movie

You and your family can decide on a movie that everyone can watch at the same time and have a discussion about it. Be sure to have snacks such as popcorn, or chips, and some drinks. To make the experience even more enjoyable, especially if there are kids in the family.  

Pedicure and Manicure

You can also do a Mani and Pedi hour. All the women in your family can get together to talk, do their nails, and show them off to each other at the end. Also, include your daughters if you think it would be appropriate depending on their age.

Happy Mother's Day! Thanks for reading 😊 

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